EFFECTS: DigiTech Bas Synth Wah

Seven different bass envelope filter types to choose from. This delivers more envelope filter effects than any other bass envelope filter pedal available.


Sens - adjusts the trigger threshold of the synth, filter and envelope effects.
Control - adjusts wet/dry mix, or synth or filter attack.
Range - adjusts envelope range, cut-off frequency, or frequency envelope.
Type - selects between seven different Bass Synth Wah effect options, including Envelope, Envelope Sub, Synth 1, Synth 2, Filter 1, Filter 2, and Octa Sub.

Normal/Dry and Effect outputs

Technical Info Controls:
Sens, Control, Range,Type, On/Off Pedal
Jacks: Input, Out 1 Normal (Dry), Out 2 (Effect)
Input Impedance: 1 MOhms
Output Impedance: 100 Ohms
Power Supply: 9V Alkaline Dry Battery
Power Consumption: 4.8Watts (w/optional PS200R power supply)
Battery Life: Approximately 4 hours (with continuous usage)
Dimensions: 4-15/16 in. (L) x 3-1/8 in. (W) x 2-1/8 in. (H)
Weight: 1.38 lbs.
Optional Power Supply: PS200R

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